Root Canal

At Bakery Hill Dental, we’re dedicated to providing top-quality care for your dental needs. One of the key treatments we offer is Root Canal Therapy, a procedure designed to save teeth that are severely damaged or infected.

What is a Root Canal?

A Root Canal is a dental procedure used to treat infections or damage inside the tooth’s pulp—the soft tissue in the center of the tooth. This pulp can become infected due to deep cavities, trauma, or other issues. During a root canal, our skilled team removes the infected or damaged pulp, cleans the inside of the tooth, and seals it to prevent future infections.

Why Choose Root Canal Treatment?

Pain Relief: If you’re experiencing tooth pain, a root canal can provide significant relief by addressing the source of the discomfort. Most patients find the procedure helps alleviate their pain and discomfort.

Preserve Your Natural Tooth: Instead of extracting a damaged tooth, a root canal allows us to save your natural tooth. This helps maintain your bite and keeps your surrounding teeth aligned properly.

Restore Functionality: After a root canal, the treated tooth can function like any other tooth. You’ll be able to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

Prevent Further Issues: By removing the infected tissue and sealing the tooth, a root canal helps prevent further infection and potential complications, preserving your overall dental health.

Why Bakery Hill Dental?

At Bakery Hill Dental, we use the latest technology and techniques to ensure your root canal is as comfortable and effective as possible. Our experienced team will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you receive the best care and support.

Visit Bakery Hill Dental today to find out more about Root Canal Therapy and how we can help you maintain a healthy, pain-free smile.

Root Canal